Can we still rely on Facebook marketing?

On November 2, 2012, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Many authors and publishers, as well as other (small) business owners use Facebook as part of their Internet Presence and Marketing Strategy. Previously, Facebook seemed like a great way to connect with fans and potential customers, without having to invest a lot except time and social aptitude.

If you could convince someone to like your Facebook page, any updates or news you would post on your page, would be visible in their Newsfeed.  This was brilliant, and free. And then Facebook decided to monetise.

Lately, a lot of Page Admins are noticing drastic decreases in traffic from Facebook, and the reason for that is that fewer people get to see your page updates. You may be wondering ; “But I’ve actually increased my number of likes on Facebook recently, howcome fewer people are getting my updates?”. That may be so, but Facebook has stopped showing your posts to everyone who liked your page. According to the latest statistics, posts from Facebook pages are only shown to 16% of people who liked the page.

According to Facebook, the solution is the “Promote” feature, perhaps you’ve come across it when posting on your page. Perhaps you’ve wondered if it’s worth trying out. Well, unless every single thing you used to post would bring in measurable income, no. – it’s not worth it at all!

If you have a marketing budget currently, and spend on things like Google Adwords for example, you’ll be used to the idea of paying for traffic. But with Facebook, you don’t pay when someone visits your site or buys your product. You simply pay for the chance of being seen by someone in their Newsfeed, even if that person doesn’t even bother to read your post.

Understandably this change has gotten a lot of small business owners, authors and publishers riled up. No longer can you rely on Facebook for free social media marketing. It’s time perhaps to give Google + another chance, or focus your marketing efforts on Twitter and other outlets such as Tumblr or Pinterest.

If you’re determined to keep making use of the following you’ve built up on Facebook, currently there are means of getting around the problem – stop using Facebook pages and instead create a Group and try to get your following to join. Alternatively, if you’re an author rather than running a business and you’re looking to connect with fans, use your personal Facebook Profile instead. Either encourage your fans to friend you, or subscribe to any public updates you post. It’s uncertain though whether these workarounds will continue to be effective, or if it’s time to write off Facebook alltogether.



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Why won’t they pay for my e-book?

On August 7, 2012, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Throughout my carrier as a freelance writer and an owner of a web development company I have always struggled with one problem. The intrinsic worth of digital content. People in India, where I am from and indeed many other places often discount digital content because of the notion that it less amount of money to create. However does it really matter if the book comes in a paper version or an electronic one? A book at the end of the day is just that–a book! When we look at a traditional book we are looking at a product that takes physical space thus it does need shipping, storing and distributing. However many of the costs that are attached to traditional publishing like author’s fee, marketing and even distribution expenses also apply to e-books.

 However the sad truth is that it is difficult to explain to the buyers that digital products like e-books also cost a pretty penny because of preconceived mindsets. Changing those perceptions can be hard and even a daunting task, but that does not mean there is no money to be made by publishing your own e-book or taking the e-self publishing route. So does it make sense to fight the market or does it make sense to actually meet consumer expectations? The truth is e-books are intangible commodities in some ways and the customers understand that better than publishers or even authors. Readers know that when an e-book rests on their device, it is not theirs to pass on or to lend but it is just a lent copy from the e-book distributor. It makes sense therefore to price e-books reasonably and appreciate the intelligence of your readers. We at writehit.com work with writers constantly and always guide them towards fair pricing that works for both the reader and the author. While the readers can derive maximum satisfaction from our competitive price points, the authors at writehit.com always get a fair deal.

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The Expat Kitchen

On July 31, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Cooking abroad is a challenge, sometimes the ingredients are just not on the store shelves and other times its just impossible to find proper tools to cook a home cooked meal in your host country. Takaaki Kagawa is a Japanese expat in India, he missed home cooked meals but he also found good western food hard to come by. So taking matters in to our own hands we wrote this book for all the expats in South and South-East Asia. However anyone can use the recipes in this book, especially people who live in these countries or even abroad.When we planned this book we kept simplicity in mind, we took ingredients that were commonly available at farmers markets, import stores and even Asian shops to create recipes that span across continents. The book has three sections which allow you to cook spectacular Asian and Western themed mains, some tasty side dishes and a special section just for tea time snacks.

So order your copy today and you are likely to fall in love with this handy e-book. Not only does the e-book come right down to your Kindle, iPad or Android device but you can also just download a copy for your computer and use Amazon’s cloud reader to read. We hope that these recipes will resolve your home sickness or at least make you forget your food woes and enjoy your new home.

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My first impressions of mountain lion

On July 27, 2012, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Well I must admit as a self-confessed apple fan that I was looking forward to the new Mountain Lion operating system. It was released on the 25th and I did wait for about one day before I downloaded my copy. For those of you that have still not taken the leap the operating system does almost look like the previous version OS X lion Lion. Although there are a few changes present in the OS that are apparent on first look. Some of the more noticeable changes are the appeareance of the notes application and the reminders application in the new operating system.

In fact I’m writing this blog on the new notes application, this application is something that the people have been using iOS are familiar with. The reminders application also seems to have been lifted out of iOS and object of the new operating system seems to be to bring mobile and desktop OS’s closer to each other. Another noticeable iOS feature that is noticeable is the notification centre which is a bit difficult to find, it rests in the extreme upper right hand corner of the screen. When you hit the icon of the notification centre which looks like a horizontally inclined bar graph you will find that the screen’s opens up just a bit and the notifications are revealed.

There are some other changes as well in the new operating system which are noticeable especially the new Safari web browser which has search inside of the address bar. Previously this was a feature that was mostly available in Google’s chrome browser and for those of us will have been using chrome for a while shifting to Safari was often frustrating because people would often type in search terms inside the address bar instead of putting it in the separate search bar that was previously present in the Safari browser. Safari also seems to have integrated iCloud and now it is possible for users of the browser across various Apple devices to be able to see what they had been doing on other devices and across devices that they own. It is also possible now to directly share with your friends links and such from the browser without having to copy and paste links to social networking sites like Twitter, it is speculated that Facebook would be arriving in autumn.

As for me the best feature in the new operating system is ‘dictation’ which is how this post was written. It is for the first time that I have been able to write a considerable amount of text using dictation. I own an iPad but I have somehow never been able to make myself understood properly to that device. I’m guessing that is because the settings on the iPad are set to English US and the computer that I’m using has been set to English UK and with my Indian accent perhaps it may be easier if I were to change the iPad as well to English UK. With dictation getting better all the time, the day is not far when we authors would be able to get by with a lot less typing than we do now. All in all with 200 new features and $20 for upgrade it is quite a reasonable upgrade and recommended if you have a newer computer which would definitely benefit from it.

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Living with plants

On July 25, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Are you a novice gardner? Someone who is struggling to maintain a green patch or just trying to learn a bit about plants. We are happy to release Living with Plants by Takaaki Kagawa. This book was written with a view to make it easier for the lay person to understand how plants function. It is just not your elementary botany book though, Living with plants also covers garden designs and loads of other interesting topics like caring for various plants and gardening tips.

 With our launch of the book on Amazon we are excited and happy that our readers will be able to enjoy months of handwork that Takaaki has put in to this book. We are also happy to announce that we are making efforts to try to bring this book on other platforms by the end of this month. So all of you amazon and amazon UK users head over there right now and grab your copy.

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Hello world!

On July 10, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!



On July 6, 2009, in News, by Shivdeep



How To Jailbreak Your Android Device Extremely fast And Protected Reddit.com

On August 16, 1232, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Samsung 3G Mobile Price

The latest version of the Android operating system, Frozen treats Sandwich (Android ten.0), combines both the phone and tablet operating schemes. Not only does it relax compatibility on all Android devices, however, it also offers brand new features as great. Here are 5 tips for the new Android ICS operating system.

One can aptly see that apart from the fabulous features, the attractive deals offered with it are and then be attributed. One can say it this way, how the smart associated with the handset has seen mobile lovers go for Samsung Samsung galaxy s contract deals like in any respect. Yes, such will be features on this root android. Always be claimed pertaining to being equipped this fastest graphics processing unit in any root android till date. Moreover, it may be the thinnest root android with six.9 mm of width, and one more the first root android to have got the DivX HD certificate the two.

Nothing special in the storage department for your Tab mainly. But at least it’s got a microSD slots. It will make that 8 GB go significantly farther – adding a whole lot yet another 64 Gigabytes.

This phone has a 3.2″ flat ‘TFT LCD’ screen offers HVGA quality. The touch screen is finger friendly. You will find that can also slide out and. It also capabilities customizable ‘home screen’ this can help the resolution of 320×480 pixels. Are less expensive a camera of quite a few.2 mega pixels with auto focus option. Wi-Fi technology furthermore integrated inside the handset makes it possible for the users to connect and open internet efficiently; to increase 3g connectivity with the frequency band of 2100 MHz is also integrated. With no help belonging to the comfortable space root apps for android android phone root software root android download in QWERTY keyboard you’ll be able to easily write mails and messages may possibly even chatting.

Samsung is sufffering from a proven record of offering its clients with a string of blissful handset quit suit their budgetary constraints as well as specs. Samsung Galaxy Y root phone is out there in dark grey color which looks very stylish. Further, this mobile functions around the effective and powerful 832 MHz cpu. It has a screen length and width 3 inch that is supported by great resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. To be able to all selections to make willful modification in its screen that renders it an edge over other handsets offered I this series. Moving further, this handset is now 2 MP camera together with smile recognition and white balance fashion. These features profit the users to click real life images with little of job.

This is term which frequently brings confusion even to seasoned iPhone users. Exactly how this, exactly why should it will save you it? Do you remember when you upgraded the firmware version last time? If you do so you will remembers the message when you commenced with restoring: “Verifying restore with Apple”.

The 5-megapixel camera the actual planet HTC Desire C stays to be HTC’s enhancement on element pretty much will. It really produces good quality photos in excellent lighting conditions. Capacity roll-outs quickly which actually surprises some people who given it really is processor might be a bit slow some time. The camera among the HTC Desire C includes the smile capture and facial recognition function inside addition to other programs to further customize and boost photographs. Overall, the Desire C’s camera is an excellent poor cameras.

In contrast to the iPhone (which is comparable in specifications to the Droid X2, Droid Incredible2, MyTouch, HTC Thunderbolt) the android items are more competitively priced. With some for this more low-end root android phone phones, like the LG Optimus, Motorola Cliq, Samsung Epic, etc. free with a 2 year written contract.

This a great Android memory game centered on every kid’s favorite, “Simon Says”. The overall game displays numerous colors and sounds as well as to repeat them your correct concept. It’s great to get your kid related to having wonderful while learning some things; it’s also fun for adults.

The latest iPhone 5 rumour suggests it will launch later in 2012 with preorders from The month of january. This matches with other reports that have said includes certain to produce some quantity of October. Fresh device will most likely have a faster dual-core processor and a far better rear-facing camera. Kantar said Australia had outrageous level of smartphone penetration in earth at 49 per coin. This matches figures from Telstra which suggest an Australian smartphone penetration of 46 per cent – which Telstra expects to grow to 60 per cent over the next year.


How To Find The Derivative Of A Square Root Super quick And Suitable Root-AndroidOnline.com

On August 16, 1232, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Make Life Easier With Android Apps

Apps That Root Your Android

Easily adaptable to your phone, couple options some in the Android features you need to add inside your mobile apple iphone 4. Using the rights Android apps and widgets, will be able to use your personal aspect of user interface is very customizable. Here are the various best Android apps are must to have in your phone.

The globe on the launch pad is solely a web browser. I found the browser to be convenient and work successfully. At first, developed difficult determine out how you can set social book marking. However, once I found out which i could right click to the menu bar across tips for sites of the device, life became far easier. Instead of experiencing to enter in URLs many times using the smaller keyboard, I made it worse simply enter in the URL once and bookmark it. Many destination websites recognize Android devices as phones and direct for you to definitely mobile internet. With a mobile format, you lose an assortment of the functionality that some websites provide. But, sometimes, you receive content in a much more sleek and accessible way on how to root the phone root android root a device mobile places.

A user over in the forums on android central has posted instructions for a method that gives you a completely pristine Froyo installation must take proper care of some of the headaches.

You’ve never been to his house before. In fact you don’t have a idea where he lives or who he even lives consisting of. He tells you he or she just doesn’t like having guests and no one ever will go to his keep.

From T-Mobile you can have some phones even completely free. However if you want the latest and fastest modes and would like to keep up with the technology you becomes from their shop phones with large discounts. LG Optimus T with Google and T-Mobile Comet are two in the free phones you may have along to your contract to T-Mobile. Those to both use Android root a device root android how to root the phone technology and both come using a 3.2 megapixel camera. Motorola Defy with Motoblur and Motorola CLIQ 2 with Motoblur the particular other phones supported by Android and came along with a large kingo root discounted. These Motorola phones both have 5 megapixel cameras with flash handle. Defy is dust proof and water resistant while CLIQ has a 3.7 inch touch screen and full slide out keyboard.

This Android game primarily based on earlier theory that you could take existing elements and create gold together. It was regarded as a form of Witchcraft in the middle Ages in the Renaissance never-ending cycle. Enough with the history, farmville is a spin off that an individual start with four basic “elements”: fire, water, earth, air. Purpose is to blend them to produce new weather conditions. You’re able to create lots of wacky things and it’s certainly a great game perform.

This happens to be another app that will alow the young anyone set the brain into practical usage. You will have additional medications . sure that you go for these amazing apps who have indeed end up being the need of the day a person have talk all about the apps for the children. So, positive you that you bare this consider mind that could be the real treat that.

The Sync system will pair from your phone. Hit OK to set your phone as a principal phone as well as can download the phone book print ads. Be sure to inform your phone that Sync is a “trusted device” and that going barefoot should try to be on. Tend to be several good reference videos on Digg.

There are a variety of recording applications that you can use on your root android. Another thing are by recording quick memos to yourself so you might be specific remember something later. Taking that will even record phone calls. This is useful for important calls that you will have to review at in the future. Just be sure the individual on the additional line knows you are recording he or she for legal purposes.

Amazon’s Kindle fire features a 1 GHz processor, 8 GB of storage and a screen resolution of 1024 by 600 pixels. The lack of enough be impressive if the iPad 2 does not exist. It’s not up against a superior A5 processor with 512 MB of RAM. The iPad 2 is located at a minimum capacity of 16 GB with variants of 32 and 64 GB. In case you of the iPad uses most of the company’s 9.5 inch front and also a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels.

The last game features more ball fun a person personally. Cestos is a multi-player game that allows you to which has other Android phone participants. You and your opponent will have a set quantity of balls, one player seem yellow as you move the other is actually going turn out to be orange. There will be a substantial black hole in the very center of sport board an individual need to bing your balls around the board to create sure your attacker does not bing them into the hole. You likewise have possibility to bing your opponents balls into the hole also. The player who has most balls left at the end for this time period wins.


Sophisticated Method Of Getting Scholarship Essay Writing Service SenPerfect.com

On August 16, 1229, in Blog, by Shivdeep

Ways To Obtain Your Distinct Venture Under Control

I is in a musical funk likewise search of some new material to learn. An album that would reveal just a little more upon every the fridge. In the past, records by Wilco, The Jayhawks, Boston, Weezer and Pete Yorn tried the trick. Now, I was coming empty. I blindly reached into the CD case and brought out the first disc I touched; The Police’s Zenyatta Mondatta. Jeez, this vinyl record had lived on my small turntable for months when i was in college. I spent a semester case the entire album as much as once a day, digesting every lyric and drum fill. Now as Experienced driving, I stuck it in the participant waiting to become how always be sound in any case this efforts.

Firstly, you should find some things: a subject for your blog, a composition or reality that remains consistent but stays fresh and interesting, collectively with a style that reflects you as person. The most important thing is for you when writing (not to sound cliche) because readers can say if submissions are insincere or unnatural. Probably the most successful people are those that do not sellout for that price something they may not be.

You see we are nevertheless in the first adopter phase of e-readers. Today’s writing a help wanted ad custom writing service help writing papers for college wiz-bang e-readers are quickly replaced and surpassed by newer, more capable devices. In addition, a couple of some amazing new technologies lurking just around the corner that promise to make e-readers additional like newspapers, magazines and books.

In weeks Virginia will decide whether Bob McDonnell or Creigh Deeds will be governor correct here. A much noised issue is that in a college paper back McDonnell announced that working women were “detrimental” to relatives. We are not sure could be more shocking to Democrats, that he wrote it at any that help writing papers for college custom writing service help me write a love song a Republican could spell “detrimental.” He has reponded plenty of ads that several women worked your past Attorney General’s Offices when he was AG, apparently quickly and easily. That those women within your niche . the ads helps.

Your keyword might be a word of mouth for the people who have visited your internet. There is every other good strategy to get your internet optimized additionally to using keywords that best relate to your article. Will probably notice instantly that your own website traffic is increasing discover is achieved by many visitors that are pointed for the site. Employing your products, for sure, money-making niches a lot of web sites that have the same product as yours and might run in your site and employ it like a reference. This just method of heading your technique to attain lucrative article marketing. There are still some other ways; solar energy have you should do is discover for these guys.

“The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister. This book will teach your child a valuable lesson about friendship and sharing. Additionally, it features eye-catching, glittery illustrations that keep your child mesmerized.

Chances are, however, that you hear back from an editor and they’re going to let kind of person whether they’re looking for freelancers. When they are, numerous papers are, they might invite you in to meet with them for a discussion. This would involve bringing your resume, some writing samples and looking out professional while would for any other interview. But most likely, if believe you’re halfway competent, they could be give you an assignment right off the bat.

In 2001 I clothed as for example a gypsy and my friend Gerry decided to go as a lady version of those only he held a giant elaborate sign denouncing Bin Laden blocking milled around him awkwardly.

If you wish to succeed (as in real life), to be able to practice the ‘Power of One” attitude. This means focusing on one thing at a time, be really capable at it. then go forward one more.

If down the road . write a “To-Do” list, then may write the # 1 tips article in short amount of time once you learn the equipment. And, you won’t will have to hire a duplicate writer. This way, you can begin your business and start creating products without spending a penny.

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