Kobo WritingLife upload problems

On March 6, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

If you’re selling on Kobo (or trying to), perhaps you have come across the very vague problem of not being able to upload your books when you try to add them via WritingLife. Everything might seem fine, the book looks good on your pc, you’re able to read it without any issues on Calibre. You may have even uploaded it to Amazon and it’s gone through just fine.

And then on Step 2 of the book creation process on Kobo, it falls flat and tells you “Sorry, we could not upload your file” or something similar. There is no explanation, no specific error code, just this vague and frustrating message. All this makes it hard to figure out if Kobo are experiencing technical issues or if it is indeed your ebook file that is at fault.

Here are some pointers and common causes for this issue:

  • Your file contains references to other ebook retailers. For example, somewhere you’ve got a link to an Amazon listing of your book, or perhaps your Amazon Author central profile. Take it out and link to your own website or blog instead!
  • Your file has some sort of error in it. For example if you’re uploading an Epub file, check that it is fully valid and does not fail EpubCheck! If this doesn’t work, try uploading a different format.

If you are sure the file is perfect, and does not have links to Amazon or other retailers in it. And you have even tried converting it to another format (from Epub into Mobi using Calibre for example) and it still doesn’t work, you might want to get in touch with Kobo support. We’ve found them to be quite helpful with most issues and have received responses on average within 24 hours or less.


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The Expat Kitchen

On July 31, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Cooking abroad is a challenge, sometimes the ingredients are just not on the store shelves and other times its just impossible to find proper tools to cook a home cooked meal in your host country. Takaaki Kagawa is a Japanese expat in India, he missed home cooked meals but he also found good western food hard to come by. So taking matters in to our own hands we wrote this book for all the expats in South and South-East Asia. However anyone can use the recipes in this book, especially people who live in these countries or even abroad.When we planned this book we kept simplicity in mind, we took ingredients that were commonly available at farmers markets, import stores and even Asian shops to create recipes that span across continents. The book has three sections which allow you to cook spectacular Asian and Western themed mains, some tasty side dishes and a special section just for tea time snacks.

So order your copy today and you are likely to fall in love with this handy e-book. Not only does the e-book come right down to your Kindle, iPad or Android device but you can also just download a copy for your computer and use Amazon’s cloud reader to read. We hope that these recipes will resolve your home sickness or at least make you forget your food woes and enjoy your new home.

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Living with plants

On July 25, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Are you a novice gardner? Someone who is struggling to maintain a green patch or just trying to learn a bit about plants. We are happy to release Living with Plants by Takaaki Kagawa. This book was written with a view to make it easier for the lay person to understand how plants function. It is just not your elementary botany book though, Living with plants also covers garden designs and loads of other interesting topics like caring for various plants and gardening tips.

 With our launch of the book on Amazon we are excited and happy that our readers will be able to enjoy months of handwork that Takaaki has put in to this book. We are also happy to announce that we are making efforts to try to bring this book on other platforms by the end of this month. So all of you amazon and amazon UK users head over there right now and grab your copy.

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Ebooks outsell hardcover books in USA!

On July 24, 2012, in News, by Laura

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