PaulWADE’s Latest: Two Short Stories

On December 13, 2013, in News, by Laura

accidental-kindleFor several years Interpol have been tracking a gang known only as the ‘Group.’ Their main forte is stealing valuable information from Research and Development divisions of large corporations and selling this information to the highest bidder.

In London, Robert, although still young, has become an undercover Interpol agent. He has finally found a way into the lair of the ‘Group.’ He is confident that tonight he should be ready to make arrests. There are other people however, that he did not bargain for, one turned up dead and the other is presumed an innocent…

Buy on Amazon!

venom-kindleThe discovery of nano-technology made an impact in ways not previously considered. Longevity has always been a dream of human beings. When it finally became a reality, events which were unforeseen, begin to cause the human race to regret their desire to live for ever.

An oversight which has occurred many years previously, gives one man the opportunity to redress the balance for all people. To do so however, he must remain alone, learn everything he can about his enemy, because when he strikes, it will be a once only chance, never to be repeated in his lifetime.

Buy on Amazon!

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Shubh Shuruat by Dr. Gargi

On October 21, 2013, in News, by Laura

cover4Published today, Shubh Shuruat is award winning author, Dr. Gargi’s first ebook release, even though she has been published in print before.

Buy on Amazon

Dr. Gargi’s seven stories showcase Indian society and the place of women in it. These stories revolve around everyday people who struggle through life with a special focus on the plight of the Indian woman.

पति-पत्नी केबीच सुख है पर संतोष नहीं, सहयोग है पर प्रेम नहीं।
माँ केपास बेटी की शादी करने का हक नहीं
नृत्याँगना को विवाह के बाद घुँघरूँ बांधने की अनुमति नहीं
अपने वजूद पर इतराती टिन्नी, ठहाके लगाती चारू और इंटरनेट पर दोस्ती करती वसुधा
कहीं ज्वालामुखी सा आक्रोश
कहीं झील सी शांति
और कहीं झरने का सा नटखट खिलवाड़
भारतीय समाज में यहाँ-वहाँ टहलते संघर्ष करते पात्रों से रूबरू करवाती गार्गी की सात कहानियाँ

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The Chronicles of Gordon Sykes by PaulWADE

On September 28, 2013, in News, by Laura



Finally, release day is here! For the past few weeks we have been working really hard with Paul Wade (Check out his site at www.pulpkult.com) to get his debut novel ready to be released out into the world.

Gordon Sykes is being pursued. Confused as well as annoyed, he realises that if he is to survive, he must create a new world to live in. High up in the mountains, he builds a city made from just his thoughts; buildings, roads, and even people to keep him company. But all is not well in Gordon’s imaginary utopia; his city has a darker element to it. He finds criminality and cruelty which he certainly did not invent himself.

Could it be that his pursuers have finally managed to catch up with him? It’s time Gordon Sykes makes a stand and cleanses his world of these unwanted intruders.
The Chronicles of Gordon Sykes : Volume one – New Worlds is available as an ebook or paperback.

Buy it at:

Other retailers coming soon…
For this particular project, WriteHit handled the cover design (for Kindle, Smashwords and a high resolution wraparound cover for the paperback), the internal ebook and print formatting and various consultancy services & support throughout the preparation and publishing process.
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The Expat Kitchen

On July 31, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Cooking abroad is a challenge, sometimes the ingredients are just not on the store shelves and other times its just impossible to find proper tools to cook a home cooked meal in your host country. Takaaki Kagawa is a Japanese expat in India, he missed home cooked meals but he also found good western food hard to come by. So taking matters in to our own hands we wrote this book for all the expats in South and South-East Asia. However anyone can use the recipes in this book, especially people who live in these countries or even abroad.When we planned this book we kept simplicity in mind, we took ingredients that were commonly available at farmers markets, import stores and even Asian shops to create recipes that span across continents. The book has three sections which allow you to cook spectacular Asian and Western themed mains, some tasty side dishes and a special section just for tea time snacks.

So order your copy today and you are likely to fall in love with this handy e-book. Not only does the e-book come right down to your Kindle, iPad or Android device but you can also just download a copy for your computer and use Amazon’s cloud reader to read. We hope that these recipes will resolve your home sickness or at least make you forget your food woes and enjoy your new home.

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Living with plants

On July 25, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Are you a novice gardner? Someone who is struggling to maintain a green patch or just trying to learn a bit about plants. We are happy to release Living with Plants by Takaaki Kagawa. This book was written with a view to make it easier for the lay person to understand how plants function. It is just not your elementary botany book though, Living with plants also covers garden designs and loads of other interesting topics like caring for various plants and gardening tips.

 With our launch of the book on Amazon we are excited and happy that our readers will be able to enjoy months of handwork that Takaaki has put in to this book. We are also happy to announce that we are making efforts to try to bring this book on other platforms by the end of this month. So all of you amazon and amazon UK users head over there right now and grab your copy.

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Ebooks outsell hardcover books in USA!

On July 24, 2012, in News, by Laura

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Google Books Publisher program

On July 18, 2012, in News, by Laura

Google BooksAt WriteHit.com, we are always aiming to expand the platforms through which our own and our clients’ ebooks are distributed. That is why recently we decided to sign up for the Google Books Publisher program.

Google Books is basically a search engine for books. You submit your book to Google, and they make (a sample of) it available online that can be searched by the Google search engine. So if someone is searching for a topic covered within your book, they might come across it and choose to buy it on various websites where it is up for sale.

Currently Google still holds the vast majority of the search market share. Android phones have also become extremely popular by now which normally allow access to the Google Play store. Within the UK, I’ve noticed that Google Play is now selling books as well. This seems like a brilliant opportunity for WriteHit and our clients to jump into!

According to the help available online, Google Books publishers can make their ebooks available for sale through Google Play as well.

Initially there were some issues signing up, but our account is now live so expect to see excerpts of our ebooks appearing on Google Books as soon as they are published!

For anyone attempting the same thing and running into persistent error messages ; Google have advised me that sign up for Google Books as a publisher is currently working properly with a Google account that does NOT have a linked Adsense or Adwords account. So if your Google account has Adwords or Adsense already linked to it, it might be worth using a different one for Google Books or creating a new one especially for it.

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Hello world!

On July 10, 2012, in News, by Shivdeep

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!



On July 6, 2009, in News, by Shivdeep