Author Websites: Five Questions to Get You Started

On January 20, 2014, in Blog, by Laura

A blog post about author websites has been on the cards for absolute ages. It seems only obvious. WriteHit’s roots lie in web design, so why not help people out by sharing some wisdom.

Truth be told, what has been holding me back on writing about it is that it’s such a huge topic. How much detail should one go into to make it an effective introduction? How to create a good author website isn’t really a good topic for a blog post, it’s something that books should be (are?) written about it and perhaps that’s an approach we’ll look at in future. When brainstorming things to cover, I thought of: what features are needed on an author website? How should it link up with other marketing efforts? How to build the bloody thing (something best left to the wealth of web creation tutorials already out there online).

Well long story short, after thinking about this for a while, someone else did a way better job at explaining how to create an author website than I ever could. Check out this free online course created by Simon from the Rocking Self Publishing Podcast. I’m serious, you absolutely must if you are an enterprising author wanting to take a about 2 hours to learn how to create your own WordPress based author website. And while you’re at it, you should listen to the podcast as well!

Anyway, what I will do on this post is outline some basic questions (and answers) to keep in mind when you’re planning your website.

1. What purpose does your site serve?

As an author, your main goal is to sell books. You want to connect with readers, give them a way to get in touch, but the end game is definitely that you want them to buy your work.

2. Who will visit your site: a complete stranger or someone familiar with your work?

In an ideal world, someone will type your genre into Google and end up at your site. In reality, this is unlikely to happen at least for a while, or ever. It is more likely that someone who has already bought one of your books looks you up online to find out more about you. Make sure that those visitors are well served by your website. (Of course don’t forget the basics and fail to offer some short introduction on who you are and what you’re about for the occasional “stranger” who does come by.)

3. What are people looking for?

What would you be looking for seeking out the website of an author whose work you enjoy? Would you appreciate a clear and easy to find listing of all their books so you can easily pick out the ones you haven’t read yet? Would you like links to all the places you can purchase their books? Would you appreciate a blog where the author gives you an insight into their life and world views? Chances are you would like to see all or at least some of these. If it seems overwhelming, focus on listing your books (and yes, links to buy them at all major retailers you distribute to, not just Amazon!) and a page with a short bio perhaps.

4. Who are you? / What are you like?

Branding is another one of those huge topics that creeps into almost every part of the (self) publishing process. Make sure your site fits your style and personality as a writer. The most obvious example would be: if you write children’s books, don’t blog about inappropriate topics. Making your site look fitting is covered in the video course I’ve already linked to as well. You can use your book covers as design elements for the website. Try to use similar fonts etc. so you don’t end up with a confusing hotchpotch of styles. When in doubt, keep things simple. The key to a professional looking website is not to have all the bells and whistles you can find, just because you can. You don’t need dozens of widgets and plug ins. You need to focus on the basic purpose of your site and whether it’s easy to understand and use.

5. Your site is your home on the web.

Not technically a question but important enough to mention anyway. You may have a Facebook page, a Twitter handle and a Pinterest board.  All these may serve you pretty well and allow lots of readers to get in touch and interact with you. But: you need to tie all these together somewhere and create a back up in case those other services become outdated. If Facebook decides from now on you will need to pay for every post you make, you will need a new way of communicating with readers. You cannot build a business (and writing for profit, long term is most definitely a business!) on someone else’s property because they may swoop in and take it from you at any moment. Your most vocal fans need a place to sign up for blog updates or a mailing list which isn’t going to vanish just because another company has made an inconvenient policy change.

In short, visit the online course and follow the examples to create a site that is easy on the eyes, well organised and contains at least the following: a list of all your books, a bio page, a contact page, ideally a mailing list sign up and links to all your social media profiles. If you don’t plan on blogging properly, you might want to have a blog just for announcing new releases or showing off book covers anyway.

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PaulWADE’s Latest: Two Short Stories

On December 13, 2013, in News, by Laura

accidental-kindleFor several years Interpol have been tracking a gang known only as the ‘Group.’ Their main forte is stealing valuable information from Research and Development divisions of large corporations and selling this information to the highest bidder.

In London, Robert, although still young, has become an undercover Interpol agent. He has finally found a way into the lair of the ‘Group.’ He is confident that tonight he should be ready to make arrests. There are other people however, that he did not bargain for, one turned up dead and the other is presumed an innocent…

Buy on Amazon!

venom-kindleThe discovery of nano-technology made an impact in ways not previously considered. Longevity has always been a dream of human beings. When it finally became a reality, events which were unforeseen, begin to cause the human race to regret their desire to live for ever.

An oversight which has occurred many years previously, gives one man the opportunity to redress the balance for all people. To do so however, he must remain alone, learn everything he can about his enemy, because when he strikes, it will be a once only chance, never to be repeated in his lifetime.

Buy on Amazon!

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Shubh Shuruat by Dr. Gargi

On October 21, 2013, in News, by Laura

cover4Published today, Shubh Shuruat is award winning author, Dr. Gargi’s first ebook release, even though she has been published in print before.

Buy on Amazon

Dr. Gargi’s seven stories showcase Indian society and the place of women in it. These stories revolve around everyday people who struggle through life with a special focus on the plight of the Indian woman.

पति-पत्नी केबीच सुख है पर संतोष नहीं, सहयोग है पर प्रेम नहीं।
माँ केपास बेटी की शादी करने का हक नहीं
नृत्याँगना को विवाह के बाद घुँघरूँ बांधने की अनुमति नहीं
अपने वजूद पर इतराती टिन्नी, ठहाके लगाती चारू और इंटरनेट पर दोस्ती करती वसुधा
कहीं ज्वालामुखी सा आक्रोश
कहीं झील सी शांति
और कहीं झरने का सा नटखट खिलवाड़
भारतीय समाज में यहाँ-वहाँ टहलते संघर्ष करते पात्रों से रूबरू करवाती गार्गी की सात कहानियाँ

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The Chronicles of Gordon Sykes by PaulWADE

On September 28, 2013, in News, by Laura



Finally, release day is here! For the past few weeks we have been working really hard with Paul Wade (Check out his site at www.pulpkult.com) to get his debut novel ready to be released out into the world.

Gordon Sykes is being pursued. Confused as well as annoyed, he realises that if he is to survive, he must create a new world to live in. High up in the mountains, he builds a city made from just his thoughts; buildings, roads, and even people to keep him company. But all is not well in Gordon’s imaginary utopia; his city has a darker element to it. He finds criminality and cruelty which he certainly did not invent himself.

Could it be that his pursuers have finally managed to catch up with him? It’s time Gordon Sykes makes a stand and cleanses his world of these unwanted intruders.
The Chronicles of Gordon Sykes : Volume one – New Worlds is available as an ebook or paperback.

Buy it at:

Other retailers coming soon…
For this particular project, WriteHit handled the cover design (for Kindle, Smashwords and a high resolution wraparound cover for the paperback), the internal ebook and print formatting and various consultancy services & support throughout the preparation and publishing process.
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Finally, a retailer breakdown

On September 16, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

Thanks to Hedonist Six for allowing me to refer to her blog post today, showing off some stats she has uncovered after compiling her sales data for the past year.

See the original blog post here; Exclusivity or not; are other retailers worth it?


(The figures quoted represent royalty income, not number of books sold.)

For her particular work, in her genre – erotica – the breakdown is as follows:

68% Amazon

14% Smashwords (almost exclusively Barnes & Noble since Apple has not yet added her work to its catalogue)

10 % Google Play

6% All Romance Ebooks

2%  Kobo

While these results may not be indicative of how these retailers may perform for you, it’s still pretty interesting. Especially when you bear in mind that beyond linking to book listings on her website, she hasn’t done any advertisements of anything other than Amazon listings. The only significant marketing activity so far has been to just make part one of her serial novel free on all platforms, and wait for readers to find it themselves.


All Things Come to an End – Kobo & Goodreads

On September 11, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

OK, you may have already noticed this and I may just be hopelessly behind, but I just realised Kobo no longer shows reviews from Goodreads. Earlier when you went to Kobo and looked at a book which people have reviewed on Goodreads, if all things were set up properly and the ISBN for the Kobo version was added to Goodreads, you’d see Goodreads content right there on the product listing.

For people who have extensively pushed their books on Goodreads to try and get more (good) reviews, this used to be a good thing. For others who found Goodreads to be a cesspool full of snarky reviewers leaving 1 star ratings without explanation, I suppose maybe it wasn’t. This has now changed though.

In March this year, Amazon bought Goodreads. There has been a lot of discussion online about whether or not that’s a good thing, but as far as I can tell, it really doesn’t matter so much. Amazon has claimed they won’t mess with Goodreads or try to ruin it, similar to how they neglect run Shelfari. One thing that has changed now is that obviously Goodreads isn’t looking so great anymore as a source for unbiased reviews for other retailers (Kobo).

While comments from Goodreads suggest that they haven’t actually switched off the API that pushes reviews to other sites, there is only one other plausible explanation: Kobo has taken this feature away themselves. An internal business decision on their part to try and sever ties with what is now part of their biggest competitor. I can’t say I blame them. The one thing I hope they do rectify is, now there are NO reviews on Kobo AT ALL. I can’t even figure out how to write one myself independent of Goodreads. This is in my opinion a problem. If there is no way to gauge the quality of the content on Kobo, readers will look elsewhere. Let’s hope they’re working on a solution to add reviews back again, but in the meantime, Kobo book listings look pretty naked and star-less.


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Kobo WritingLife upload problems

On March 6, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

If you’re selling on Kobo (or trying to), perhaps you have come across the very vague problem of not being able to upload your books when you try to add them via WritingLife. Everything might seem fine, the book looks good on your pc, you’re able to read it without any issues on Calibre. You may have even uploaded it to Amazon and it’s gone through just fine.

And then on Step 2 of the book creation process on Kobo, it falls flat and tells you “Sorry, we could not upload your file” or something similar. There is no explanation, no specific error code, just this vague and frustrating message. All this makes it hard to figure out if Kobo are experiencing technical issues or if it is indeed your ebook file that is at fault.

Here are some pointers and common causes for this issue:

  • Your file contains references to other ebook retailers. For example, somewhere you’ve got a link to an Amazon listing of your book, or perhaps your Amazon Author central profile. Take it out and link to your own website or blog instead!
  • Your file has some sort of error in it. For example if you’re uploading an Epub file, check that it is fully valid and does not fail EpubCheck! If this doesn’t work, try uploading a different format.

If you are sure the file is perfect, and does not have links to Amazon or other retailers in it. And you have even tried converting it to another format (from Epub into Mobi using Calibre for example) and it still doesn’t work, you might want to get in touch with Kobo support. We’ve found them to be quite helpful with most issues and have received responses on average within 24 hours or less.


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Google Books and the mystery of the missing summary

On February 15, 2013, in Blog, by Laura



Anyone who has ever tried to get their books loaded onto Google Play via the Google Books Partner Program will have found the system a little cumbersome to use. It’s slow and not very intuitive, and more annoyingly, many self-publishers end up with nearly blank book listings; the book summary / description is missing and they don’t make it easy for you to add one.

There’s a reason for this – Google Books gathers book data automatically and their help pages are a little bit sketchy with regards to how to make descriptions show up properly. There is no feature to input it yourself within the Google Books Partner Program interface, though Google Books staff are able to update the records manually if asked via a special form. (If you’re going to use the form, ONLY put the description in there. Mostly they don’t read what’s in there and so if you ask a question with the provided description – simply because you were desperate and didn’t know how else to contact the support team – chances are the whole thing including your commentary will go onto your book listing.)

We at WriteHit found this a bit annoying and tried to figure out if there is an easier way. The answer is: the Bowker books database.

Response from books-support(at)google.com when asked how to make descriptions show up automatically:

” There currently isn’t any way for publishers or authors to update their metadata descriptions within their account. We pull metadata and book descriptions from a variety of third-party systems, including Bowker. These systems provide us with information related to the ISBN for each book. If you need to update your metadata in the future, you can either do it through your ISBN provider, or you can contact us and we’ll be happy to change it for you.”

So, if you buy ISBN’s for your books you may not have had that problem, or perhaps you could ask your ISBN provider to complete the listing of your book for you.

If you get your ISBN for free from Smashwords, their information states that a free record of your book will be created on Bowker, but so far I have not seen this actually happening. Not even for books where the ISBN’s were assigned 6 months ago! I have asked about the reason and will update this post as soon as I hear back from Smashwords support.

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Amazon expands EFT payment options!

On February 8, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

Great news from Amazon KDP; if you’re a UK or European author publishing on Amazon KDP, you can probably now receive all royalty payments by Electronic Funds Transfer directly to your bank account! (Many thanks to Catherine, Caffeinated for alerting us to this change, since Amazon didn’t bother to send out any email announcements!)

At WriteHit, we have already been able to receive payment for most outlets in GBP into our UK bank account except Amazon.com. These royalties used to be paid only by cheque in USD.  With this new change, we are able to instead opt for bank transfer for this type of payment as well, which is quite wonderful actually!

Receiving payments by cheque can be frustrating; not only is there a high payment threshold before Amazon will actually cut the cheque, also cheques can be lost in the post and some banks charge a hefty amount to cash them. Plus it’s SLOW; you might wait for a while for it to come in the mail, and some banks take weeks to process foreign cheques as well.

Assuming your bank won’t charge you a lot to receive bank transfers, clearly this is a massive improvements for those authors living in Europe or the UK. Sadly our colleagues elsewhere in the world will have to wait until Amazon rolls out this type of payment for more countries.

So, how to make the change:

  1. Log into KDP
  2. Go to your payment settings (top right corner, where you’ll see your name written; SO AND SO’s account)
  3. Scroll down to “Amazon Marketplaces” and select Amazon.com (including India).
  4. Select “EFT” in the first dropdown list and your preferred currency in the second.
  5. Hit save and wait for the first payment to come!

For more information about how to get paid on Amazon KDP, check out their help page on the matter.




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Awesome news from Smashwords!

On January 9, 2013, in Blog, by Laura

This may say more about us than about Smashwords, but we were very excited to see the Smashwords Author/Publisher alert in our email box today. Smashwords has finally listened to us and many other users and implemented a direct epub upload feature!

This is amazing news for us and many others who professionally build ebooks in epub format.

Since the launch of Smashwords, they seeming aimed their service more at the DIY market of small-time authors who are not necessarily tech savvy enough to code a proper ebook. Instead they developed a system that accepts Word documents made according to specific guidelines, which with a bit of guidance and practice can be created by most people who know how to use MS Word.

Here’s the deal though – Smashwords is a great publishing outlet even for people with more tech knowledge because it allows access to Apple iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc. Some of these outlets are otherwise hard to get into if you’re not US based.

So obviously we wanted in, but our standard approach for ebook creation does not involve MS Word, instead we prefer to code ebooks in their native format. This allows for more features and better control over the end result.

And that’s what makes this new feature so great. We no longer have to create two different copies of our ebooks; now we can just build the epub file and upload it directly without messing about with MS Word only for Smashwords.

But this isn’t just great news for us as formatters and publishers, it is also brilliant for our customers. There is no longer any need to pay extra for a Smashwords version of your book, simply upload the epub file you’ll receive with any of our standard formatting packages!

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